Here is another fabulous entry into our April Fool’s Contest! Hotjam Cosplay, Ai Cosplay, and Steevie entered our contest as Grumpy Bear, Fem!Dave Strider, and Terezi from Care Bears and Homestuck! While none of these cosplayers used our wigs we have some great recommendations for styles to use in case you are looking to cosplay as any of these characters! For a style similar to what HotJam cosplay is using for Grumpy Bear we recommend our Hestia Wig in Light Blue Mix. For a Dave Strider cosplay we recommend our Apollo Wig in Natural Blonde. For a Terezi cosplay we recommend using our Aura Wig in Black. Read on below for this trio’s entry!
Cosplayer names: Hotjam Cosplay and Ai Cosplay
Series: Care Bears and Homestuck
Characters: Grumpy Bear, Fem! Dave Strider and Terezi
Inspiration: I loved Care Bears Since I was a kid and made a onzie for casual cosplay purposes.
I got into cosplay all because a friend back in high school started telling me all about the conventions and cosplay. She took me to a con and it is all history from there.
I love cosplay because I get to be some one else and take on the characters personality. I also love that I get to meet so many awesome people at conventions and many of them are my now good friends. It has helped me express myself more and has made me less shy.
In this photo taken at Shadocon 2012 I was lurking in the background and decided to pop up and photobomb my friends. This just started a whoe slew of crazy photos and cross over photos all because I scared them.