Here is another wonderful entry for our April Fool’s Day contest! In this post we cover Chibi_Lenne, Chloe Perelgut, and Lorne Miske’s entry as Lily Evans, Sirius Black, and James Potter! Chloe used our Aether Wig in Black for her Sirius Black cosplay. While Chibi_Lenne and Lorne Miske did not, we have some great recommendations for wigs to use for the cosplays they did. For a Lily Evans cosplay we recommend our Hestia Wig in Copper Red. For a James Potter cosplay we recommend our Hermes Wig in Light Brown. Check out their entry below!
Name of cosplayers: Erin Emms, Chloe Perelgut, Lorne Miske
Series that you are cosplaying from: Harry Potter
Characters you are cosplaying as: Lily Evans, Sirius Black, James Potter
Did you use an EpicCosplay wig? If so, what style? Sirius Black is Aether 12″ in Black,
What inspired you to do these cosplays? We actually met at a Harry Potter book premier way back in the day, we had also just been to the Wonderful Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando earlier that month and were still in a mind set of ‘Everything is Harry Potter and nothing hurts!’
What got you into cosplay? My love of sewing and crafting is what originally got me interested in cosplay as a creative outlet. I’ve been sewing as a hobbiest since I was 5.
Why do you love cosplay? Cosplay for me is a creative outlet, therapy if you will, to take a chance to escape from the stress of real life and just act like characters you wish you could be.
Describe what prank you are completing or what is going on in the photograph. (In other words, what makes your submission qualified for this contest): A photobomb gone wrong (or right?). We were taking a casual photo on the bench (James and Lily) when Sirius decied he was going to be -the man- and claim Lily’s lap as a pillow and tried to dive photobomb us. It ended up with poor Sirius face planted on the ground and our photographer caught the moment just before. Poor Sirius, needs to work on his aim a little bit.
If your photo does not demonstrate a prank, what prank(s) have you done in this costume? We’ve played a few games of Quidditch randomly in these costumes at Center Island in Toronto. Some of those fun… outtakes can be seen on this video here: https://www.youtube.com/