EpicCosplay Wig: Hermes in Silvery Grey

I have always loved Rise of the Guardians, and decided to make a Jack Frost cosplay for a Halloween fair. People tell me I look a lot like him, and he’s my favorite character from that movie. I ended up also wearing it to a local con and almost won a cosplay contest! The wig is the hermes wig in silver! The staff is made from a manzanita branch I found, sanded, and painted. (It was very last minute, I’ll admit). The jacket took me the longest; I hand-painted the whole thing, using three different colors of fabric paint. It took over three months to make, but I finished it in time! I hope to wear it to SDCC some day!! I ended up also wearing it to a local con and almost won a cosplay contest! The wig is the hermes wig in silver! The staff is made from a manzanita branch I found, sanded, and painted. (It was very last minute, I’ll admit). The jacket took me the longest; I hand-painted the whole thing, using three different colors of fabric paint. It took over three months to make, but I finished it in time! I hope to wear it to SDCC some day!!