Brittany sent in the first submission into our Halloween Contest! She can be seen below rocking out a wig she custom styled to give some original flair to her Storm cosplay! She utilized our Hermes wig in Classic White and added a ton of wefts to get this EPIC look! Check out the story below!

Name: Brittany D. Vennart
Cosplay Handle: Ziggy
Location: United States
Cosplay: Storm from Marvel Comics X-Men, a variant shortly seen in the 1980s issues of Uncanny X-Men.
Wig Style: EpicCosplay’s Hermes Boy Cut in White [Link] as the base and a whole lot of sewn in wefts.
Photography Credit: Edward Liu
Costume Description: Where do I begin? I could go on and on about Ororo’s visit to Japan, how she met Yukio and changed her outlook on life to something a bit darker, and EMOTIONS. But I’m not that deep…
I can say without a doubt that I have never personally met an X-Men fan that has not loved Storm with a mohawk. The look was cool, and the idea of taking on such a challenge of a hairstyle was truly what drew me to this cosplay. And I mean what girl doesn’t want to be covered head to toe in tight leather and metal, amirite?
Constructing the actual costume was not that hard. It is completely comprised of store bought items. I took some artistic liberty with a few elements from Storm’s design by putting a spin on some of the accessories. (I chose biker gloves and added a few more studded leather jewelry pieces and etc.)
The wig is the only part of the costume that I can truly credit myself for. And it was a lot of fun to style. I must apologize to everyone at EpicCosplay for the butchering of your precious babies to make my faux-hawk. The short styles and great prices was what drew me to EpicCosplay. So I purchased two separate wigs, ripped one apart, and hand sewed the top of it on to another butchered base wig. ( It’s a bit of my own personal Frankenstein, really.) I must say this iconic Storm look is nothing with out the hair and EC helped me make it possible. Used a bit of Got2B and hair spray for the spiking and BAM. Instant Punk Super Heroine.
I had a great time pulling this costume together, one of my easiest and simplest cosplays to date. This cosplay got me tons of friends and a chance to meet Sam Humphries, the current writer of Marvel’s Uncanny X-Force