Check out Cara’s amazing God-Tier Feferi cosplay from the popular web-comic Homestuck! She used our Hestia Wig in Black to complete this amazing cosplay! Check out her entry below!
Hello Epic Cosplay!
Here is my submission for your photo/story funtime.
Photo is by Eurobeat Kasumi Photography. I have received permission to submit this photo.
I used the Hestia in Black.
I went to my first con when I was 11. Although it was a small con,I was overwhelmed by all the colorful costumes and portrayals of my favorite characters. From then on, I was inspired to cosplay. Since then, I have met many people cosplaying and conning, making many strong friendships. It’s always a wonderful experience bonding over the stress and pain of making a costume with friends. Cosplaying has also helped me become a better couponer, planner/organizer, seamstress, cosmetologist, and thrift shopper; that has to be my favorite part about this hobby.
My most recent cosplay, God-tier Feferi, is my favorite because Feferi is my favorite character from a webcomic called “Homestuck”. While making the cosplay,I tried my hand at patternmaking for the first time with the top, it was a tedious process, but I’m really happy with the way it turned out. I received lots of help from friends in making the wings, skirt, and trident which was a great experience that helped me strengthen my friendships with cosplay buddies. For this cosplay, I’m really glad I had the Hestia wig in black. It’s the most comfortable wig I own, and I can wear it for hours without my head ever getting itchy . Even after multiple washes, the curls on this wig have never loosened and they rarely get tangled, still staying very bouncy. I actually got this the wig spontaneously, but it has now proven to be one of the best cosplay investments I have ever made.