Check out Cari! She chose to feature her Jack Frost cosplay from Dreamworks’ Rise of the Guardians’ movie based off William Joyce’s Guardians of Childhood series! To complete her look she used our Hermes Wig in Silvery Grey! Check out her entry below!

I’ve been cosplaying since 2009.
What got me into cosplaying was when I was in middle school I wanted to be a Manga artist. My parents bought me a “How to Draw Manga for Dummies” book and in the back, it had a list of conventions. So I decided to look up what conventions were and when I did, I practically died inside. I was so amazed! I flipped through pictures of cons and saw all the cosplays and thought, HEY! I WANNA DO THAT! So when my first con, Dragon*Con, was approaching, I decided to try to put something together. I didn’t care if it was just stuff I pulled out of my closet and that I didn’t have a wig… I was happy. I had a blast putting it together and when I got to Dragon*Con and saw all of those amazing cosplays, my love for it grew ten-fold! I knew in that moment that I had to pursue this passion.
My latest cosplay was Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians. I chose this character because, first off, the movie was beautifully animated. I love animation and seeing this movie made my jaw drop. Also, when I was little I loved the claymation Jack Frost movie. And when Rise of the Guardians came out, I knew I had to see it. It brought back my childhood and my love for Jack Frost!
My Jack Frost cosplay was surprisingly easy to make.I bought a navy blue hoodie and brown leggings at Wal-Mart. I then painted both the hoodie and leggings with white and sparkly fabric paint from Micheal’s. I cut the bottom of my leggings to give it a “worn-look” and then wrapped twine around the shins. My staff was made out off PVC pipe and papier-mache. Once I had super glued the pipe together and wrapped it with papier-mache, I sprayed painted it a “wooden” color and blotted white paint on it to give it a “frosty” look. And then came the wig.
I found out about Epic Cosplay through recommendations from cosplay.com. I did my research and figured out who sold the best wigs and where I could find one that was perfect for my cosplay. When I stumbled upon the Hermes – 12″ * Boycut Men’s Silver Short Cosplay Wig * I was like, THAT’S IT. I FOUND IT. I FOUND IT. And I bought it. I was so happy when I got it. My wig was just what I wanted. It was the perfect color and I didn’t have to worry about trimming the bangs. It was also comfortable to my surprise. I was a bit worried that my head would be itching but it didn’t. I was extremely happy.
I do plan on continuing with cosplay. The next cosplay I’m hoping to do is Asuna Yuuki from Sword Art Online.
I truly love cosplaying. It makes me come out of my shell and allows me to be me. I love dressing up, putting make-up on, and pretending to be someone else. I don’t think I’ll ever stop cosplaying. It has given me so many happy memories. I just never want to stop.