We have another entry for our Show Us Your Moves contest! Here we have Kapalaka as Kiyone from the Tenchi Muyo series! She used our Persephone Wig in Forest Green (replaced by Forest Green Mix) to help fine tune her cosplay! Read some more info on her and her cosplay!
– What got you into cosplay?
My love for video games and anime led me to the cosplay community. I thought the regular “vote for me” signs were lame when I ran for homecoming court, so I put my face over pictures of my favorite Final Fantasy girls. I thought to myself, “Hmm… I wonder if people actually make these outfits and wear them…” When I saw people cosplaying online, I immediately started researching characters and upcoming anime cons.
– How long have you been cosplaying?
Cosplay has been a part of my life since 2005. Since then I have created at least 30 costumes and compete regularly. I love introducing new folks to cosplay and share as much of my crafting knowledge as I can through panels and online tutorials.
– Were there any particular reasons you selected this character?
Kiyone and Ryoko have always been my favorite girls from Tenchi Muyo. Kiyone hardly ever gets cosplayed, though, so I opted to do her over Ryoko and show my love for the fandom in this way.
– What would you consider the most difficult part of this costume?
The technical sewing was definitely the hardest part of this costume. I can easily sand away mistakes or paint over them with a prop, but with technical sewing, everything has to be clean and crisp. This is especially true of a police uniform.
– What cosplay would you like to do in the future?
I am itching to cosplay Queen Beryl from Sailor Moon. I recently completed Sailor Mars, my favorite scout, and I would love to cosplay the villainess I loved to hate next. Of all the Sailor Moon villains, she has the most purpose and reason to be evil.
– What’s your favorite part about cosplaying?
I enjoy bringing attention to my favorite fandoms in a way as fun as cosplay. Cosplay demands that we combine many creative skills such as sewing, sculpting, and wig-crafting, making it a challenging but very fulfilling hobby. My favorite compliment is when someone says I look exactly like a character. I spend a lot of time working on wigs and costumes, even preparing my make-up in an attempt to look like the character. It give me a strong sense of accomplishment when someone recognizes the effort.
-What do you like about our wig?
I knew I could count on EpicCosplay to have a quality and beautiful wig in the right shade. I had the hardest time finding the perfect wig color for my character and refused to dye a wig. I have dyed wigs before and it always ends in disaster regardless of how long I have been in this hobby. The fibers are soft and long, and EpicCosplay’s wigs are dense. Long dense wigs are especially difficult to find with wig companies cutting costs, but I am glad to see that EpicCosplay’s dedication to quality has not been compromised. This Forrest Green wig is the third wig I buy from your company and I certainly see myself returning in the future.