Sasha has given us her cosplay of a Flaafy gijinka for our Show Us Your Moves contest! Here she uses our Hestia Wig in Classic White to bring out the appeal of her Flaafy cosplay from Pokemon! Look below to see her cosplay and some more info on it!
My Flaafy dress/ears are made of fleece and my shoes are painted to look like her feet. Because I was going for a look that seemed like a more cute, casual human interpretation of Flaafy rather than a more literal version, I wanted a white curly wig that would in a way look like wool on her head. When I saw this particular wig, I knew the length and style were perfect. I did not style it because I didn’t feel a need to– and in my opinion, really tied the outfit together because it included every element I wanted. I absolutely love Pokemon, and when I get the chance to make a gijinka outfit, I turn to my epiccosplay wigs because I know they’ll make my outfits that much better. I feel like the wigs are super soft, comfortable, and of course, they look great!