Check out this awesome story from Vicious Cosplay where she covers her GLaDOS Gijinka from Portal!
She combined our Chronos Model in Ice Blue with two 30″ Ice Blue wefts to create the look she got! If you’re interested in checking out the wig or extensions, click on the pictures below to be redirected to their pages on our website.
Cosplay: GLaDOS Gijinka from Portal
Cosplayer: Vicious Cosplay
Wig: 12″ Ice Blue Layered Short Cosplay Wig and two 30″ wefts
More Photos: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.202324069875109.44543.151246548316195&type=3
Have you ever searched for hair clips to make pony tails for almost 3 days going through 20+ different stores? I have.
This is one of my favorite wigs due to the comfort of it and how it settles nicely on my head. The largest issue in it was to make the ponytails! Initially I didn’t want to make simple fisted tails that would get sewn into my head, but instead find a nice large flat type of clip that I could glue the wefts to and make larger ponyfalls rather than ponytails. It was very very difficult trying to find a nice thick clip with long teeth that easily can support being inside of a wig while also being round and flat enough to make large but not extruding ponyfalls! After going between my home and my job and hitting almost every store I knew to and from, I finally went a small bit out of my way to find the perfect turtle style clips from a Walgreens. They made perfect bases for adding the hair to and fit so snuggly on the back of my head!
Though the wig was almost the perfect style for the costume I was working on, the front bangs were just a little too large. I wanted to razor the wig instead of simply cutting it, but couldn’t get to a beauty supply store in order to get new razors. So instead I hit up a CVS and grabbed myself some regular shaving razors and cut my way down the wig with that which was time consuming but made the curve of the bangs far nicer than it would have with regular scissors!
The wig is also just thick enough that I am able to keep a head band beneath with N42 magnets to hold the orbs on top of my head without jostling or completely falling, but thick enough to cover that detail.
After wearing this wig with the head gear for hours though I tend to get a nice little numb spot on the back of my head which tickles anytime I run my hair through it. But sometimes I simply wear the wig around con out of costume because my hair is far too ‘wig hair’ed to be walking around normally and the design and color is flattering to my face.
GLaDOS took a Judge’s Choice award home from Katsucon 2012.