Check out this awesome, award winning cosplay Vicious Cosplay created! She obtained her final look using one of our wigs. She styled a wig that we no longer carry sadly, our Fusion Yellow color! Take a look at her story below!
Cosplay: The Little Card from Cardcaptors Sakura
Cosplayer: Vicious Cosplay
Wig: 8″ Fusion Yellow Long Cosplay Wig
More Photos: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.230475093726673.51992.151246548316195&type=3
Initially when I had purchased this wig I was a little worried that the color was too dark. The pictures made it appear so bright and almost white like that I expected a much brighter color. This worried me for a few weeks since this had been an early purchase, so it sat with me dismissed slightly afraid that I’d have to go buy another wig elsewhere. I love the fibers and the quality of the Epic Cosplay wig, and I didn’t want to bother with sending it back. Multiple times I thought to myself ‘I can do something else with this maybe’ and kept going back to the wig.
Initially in the design of the Little, the hair color matches the fabric of the main body of the outfit. Either with this fear in the back of my mind I brought the wig fabric shopping with me to compare and contrast colors. At first I avoided the yellow just because I didn’t want to deal with the depression I had actually bought a bad wig color. But after realizing I had to tackle the situation I went right for the yellow flat satin from Casa. There it was, the perfect color I needed for the outfit which matched the wig spot on! Technically the color scheme with my yellow and orange were slightly darker than the colors from the anime, but I couldn’t help but love the fact that the wig matched the fabric I wanted perfectly.
This was one of my easier styling, which was very nice to have when I had pointy shoes and a lop sideded hat to work on! One of the things I love about the fibers on the Epic Cosplay wigs is it’s ability to be razored nicely without becoming plastic fuzz on the upper parts. So the back became nice little fluffy spikes while I used some heavier Got 2 Be Glued gel to keep the front spikes in place. One of the things to this day I still can’t seem to wrap my head around how to make the ‘diddly bopper’ curles up at the top. I wanted to avoid making it out of wire and having it solid, so to keep the perfect lift I simply drape it over one of the spikes of my hat and it works fine.
The Little took home Best of Masters from Anime Central’s 2012 Masquerade.