Amara and Benjamin sent us a submission to our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! They entered our contest as Princess Euphemia li Brittania and Suzaku Kururugi from Code Geass! While neither of these cosplayers used our wigs we would recommend our Aether Wig in Light Brown for a Suzaku Kururugi cosplay. For Princess Euphemia we would suggest that you look at using our Persephone Wig in Princess Dark Pink and some 30″ weft extensions in Princess Dark Pink (to braid and style into the buns) to achieve the look that Euphemia has. Check out more information about their entry below!

Name of both cosplayers: Amara and Benjamin Lowry
Series that you are cosplaying from: Code Geass
Characters you are cosplaying as: Euphemia li Britannia and Suzaku Kururugi
Did you use an EpicCosplay wig? If so, what style? No, I did not know of EpicCosplay at the time. 🙁
What inspired you to do these cosplays? I love the pairing as did my husband so he agreed to be my Suzaku for his first time cosplaying.
What got you into cosplay? A friend of mine many many years ago.
Why do you love cosplay? I love making the costumes and learning new techniques in the process. I love seeing the happy faces of fellow con-goers when they see their favorite character brought to life. 🙂