Here’s one of entries for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! Angel and Jeanelle are cosplaying as Spider-man and Black Cat from The Amazing Spider Man. While Angel doesn’t need a wig with the Spider-man mask one Jeanelle does need one for Black Cat! While she did not use an EpicCosplay wig for her costume we recommend that you use our Hera Wig in Classic White for this cosplay! Look on to see some more about their cosplays and a picture of our wig recommendation!

-What inspired you to do these cosplays?
We both love comics since we where children. Spider-Man being my all time favorite superhero inspired me with uncle Ben’s lines of “with great power comes great responsibilities”. Jay being the lovely lady that she is, wanted to be my very own Black-Cat.
-What got you into cosplay?
Mostly anime, watching Dragon Ball and Ranma 1/2 but over all just me bing a huge Spidy fan.
-Why do you love cosplay?
We can be free to be who ever we want, Act out of character for the giggles. I love the fun of being able to be who ever you want even someone you look up to and have a blast while you do it.