Here’s one of entries for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! Deanna and Danielle are cosplaying as Monica and Max from Dark Cloud 2. Deanna used our Luka character wig and styled it in a tight ponytail and made all the hair accessories to go with it! While Danielle did not use one of our wigs we do have some suitable for that cosplay! If you’re looking to cosplay Max and want to use one of our wigs, we suggest that you use our Chronos Wig in Caramel Blonde! Look on to see some more about their cosplays!

-What inspired you to do these cosplays?
This is one of our FAVORITE games of all time. We get so nostalgic every time we play it. It’s so under appreciated, it needs more love! And they would make an adorable couple, haha.
-What got you into cosplay?
I’ve been cosplaying for 4 years now. I saw other people on the Internet doing it, and I just thought, “These guys are bringing my characters to life! This is amazing!” After my first con, there was NO turning back! I fell in love with it. xD And I also enjoy sewing very much.
-Why do you love cosplay?
All the passion and hard work put into making a costume, the friends you make from this wonderful hobby, it’s all beyond what I every imagined! All my dreams have been brought to life through cosplay!