Here’s one of the entries for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! Midnight Pursona and Innocently Creating are cosplaying as William T Spears and Grell Sutcliff from Kuroshitsuji. Innocently Creating used our Asteria Wig in Dark Red for her Grell cosplay! Although Midnight Pursona did not use one of our wigs for her Sebastian Michaelis cosplay we recommend styling our Chronos Wig in Black. Read on to check out this duo’s entry!
-What inspired you to do these cosplays?
Midnight Pursona: Honestly, I hated William after watching Kuroshitsuji, or at least he wasn’t one I was fond of. Though I found out my best buddy and cosplay sister Innocent was cosplaying Grell, I was trying to pick a character that would match Grell in our duo cosplay. I could never pull off Sebastian, so I thought William or Undertaker would work. Undertaker was way to much to work with in a short time so I picked William, but after trying on everything I started to take on the role and fell in love with his character. Plus, people kept telling me I made a really good William.
Innocently Creating: The first time I saw Grell in action, I knew that I just had to cosplay him. His “out-going” personality is something that I’ve always shrived to have in myself, so getting to act a little out of my realm of normality was something that I looked forward to with cosplaying him.
-What got you into cosplay?
Midnight Pursona: I went to my first convention a few years back and I saw all these people dressed up and I really wanted to know more about it. I already knew how to sew, so it was something to finally use my skills. It really helped get my mind off of all the troubles and issues in my life, so I continued to cosplay and go to conventions to at least have a weekend off from stress with my family and life. Plus, sewing is a VERY relaxing thing to do and the friends you meet and make out of cosplay are the best people you may ever know.
Innocently Creating: I’ve dressed up all of my life, Halloween and other wise, I’d find any chance to dress up as something out of the ordinary, so when I got into anime and found out about cosplaying, I was instantly hooked.
-Why do you love cosplay?
Midnight Pursona: What is there not to love? Cosplay is an AMAZING way to be someone else for more then just once a year (unlike Halloween). Its fun, its exciting and you meet amazing people out of it! Its REALLY hard for me to explain why I love cosplaying so much, other then it feels like I found a piece of my life that was missing for a while. Its like a hobby for the creative people who may feel like they can’t be a model, seamstress, actor, or use there talents for anything to make them famous, but they will never stop using there talents. Not to mention, I really love wearing wigs so Its a reason to collect them and use them, even though I still wear them outside of cosplay.
Innocently Creating: The reason I love cosplaying is because it helps me grow as a person, lets me do things I normaly wouldn’t do. The hobby alone has helped me find friends that I never thought I’d find and memories that I never want to forget. It’s a hobby that I hope to keep for the rest of my life and I could never regret getting into it in the first place.