Here’s one of entries for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! Sarah and Alan are cosplaying as a predator and alien from Alien vs. Predator. Look on to see some more about their cosplays!
What inspired you to do these cosplays?
We both love scifi and are crazy about the Alien and Predator series. We took this shot years also at Anime Evolution (in Vancouver BC), when we were goofing around and thought it would be hilarious to see an Alien and Predator smooching… it was pretty difficult to do actually, haha. It’s a strange type of romance I suppose.
What got you into cosplay? (Predator – Sarah Kulyk):
I’ve always loved dressing up, and as a child was inspired by my early loved of comics and anime to build costumes of my favorite characters. I made my first Sailor Moon cosplay in 1998, and went to my fist convention in 2000. Since then my passion for cosplay has only increased, and I love finding new costume challenges to tackle.
Why do you love cosplay?
(Predator – Sarah Kulyk): I love the never ending puzzle of building intricate armor/pops, and the impossible shapes of the characters we love. With cosplay there is always more to learn and improve on, and the community is so rich with passionate and helpful people! I love the hard work that goes into completing a cosplay, and the joy and relief that comes with wearing it afterwards! I also love the talented people, and look forward to making more cosplay friends in the future.