We have another entry for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! It’s ShinraiFaith and Fullmetal-Punk as Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask from the Sailor Moon series! While neither of these cosplayers used our wigs we have some great style recommendations in case you are looking to cosplay as these characters in the future! For a Sailor Moon cosplay we recommend our Sailor Moon Character Specific wig (discontinued, replaced by Asteria). For a Tuxedo Mask cosplay we recommend our Hermes Wig in Black. Have a look at their cosplays and more about themselves!

– What inspired you to do these cosplays?
I feel like I roped in my lovely boyfriend as being my Tuxedo Mask but he was totally up for it! I have been cosplaying for 9 years and he and I have been together for 7 years.
– What got you into cosplay?
When I was little, Zelda was the first thing I wanted to cosplay as. When I was about 8 I wanted to be her for Halloween… There of course was not any Princess Zelda cosplays to buy at the store, so I made it. (It wasn’t very good, but I was proud doing it myself!) From then on I have been wanting to make the fantasy become a reality that I can play in.
– Why do you love cosplay?
I have been cosplaying for 9 years and my boyfriend and I have been together for 7 years. I love (and try) to bring characters that I love and connect with, to life! Wehn I put on that costume, I feel as though I am that character and like to act as them too. I love just being myself and being as creative as I can. I have so much fun with the friends that cosplay around me as well. I don’t know what I would do without this hobby.
-What inspired you to do these cosplays?
I feel like I roped in my lovely boyfriend as being my Tuxedo Mask but he was totally up for it! I have been cosplaying for 9 years and he and I have been together for 7 years. Ever since I was little I always wanted to BE Sailor Moon. What little girl hasn’t? I always played with my cousin and neighborhood kids, ran around, and pretended to have the whole senshi group, waiting for my Tuexedo Mask. Now that I have him I finally was able to make all my childhood dreams become true!