Darlena sent us an entry to our Valentine’s Day Themed Contest as the Scarlet Witch from the Marvel Universe! While she did not use on of our wigs we recommend taking our Hera Wig in Dark Red and styling it with more curls and pulling them up to get the look for this character! This great entry took third in our Valentine’s Themed Contest! Check down below for more pictures and her story!

Name: Darlena Marie
Series: Marvel comics the avengers
Character: Scarlet Witch
Inspiration: I love this character for her power, intelligence, and beauty. Red also happens to be one of my favorite colors so I loved the fact it is the signature color for such a powerful superheroine!
Why do you cosplay: I first started cosplaying star trek and renaissance characters. Then as I learned more costuming techniques and met other cosplayers who encouraged me, I started cosplaying comic characters, for they pulled me out of my shell. I use to think I was too old to cosplay comic characters since I’m not a teenager.
Why do you love cosplaying: I love to cosplay because I love fantasy and comics and cosplaying is an artistic and creative fun way to combine the two. I can bring my favorite comic characters to life! I also enjoy bringing smiles to people who love the comic characters, especially when I volunteer at hospitals and children shelters.
Epic wigs: No I have not bought an epic wig I’m just finding out about your company and you do have lovely wigs!