Casey entered our April Fool’s Day Contest as Harley Quinn from Batman: The Animated Series! Check out her entry below!
Name of cosplayer: redrummiss / Casey Dolezal
Series that you are cosplaying from: Batman: The Animated Series
Characters you are cosplaying as: Harley Quinn
Did you use an EpicCosplay wig? If so, what style? No.
What inspired you to do these cosplays? I have always been a fan of Harley Quinn. The Animated Series of Batman is one that I grew up watching. I was always a bigger fan of the villainess Harley instead of Catwoman.
What got you into cosplay? My love of anime just pushed me towards attending conventions and I discovered so many people and their love for cosplay. It helped me to pursue that passion as well.
Why do you love cosplay? I love cosplay because you can be anyone you want to for a day or three days of a convention.
Describe what prank you are completing or what is going on in the photograph. (In other words, what makes your submission qualified for this contest).
If your photo does not demonstrate a prank, hat prank(s) have you done in this costume? During my day as Harley Quinn I managed to photobomb around 50 pictures with various other cosplayers, got a whole crowd to yell the words “hubbish schmubbish” for a camera team and helped some GI Joes take down Master Chief. Overall it was a great day and I had a lot of fun.