Pink Wigs

Check out our Pink Wigs Color Chart for all of our Pink color variations!

Fusion Vanilla Pink is a very soft and pastel color. Princess Pink Mix is a blend of various shades of pink, perfect if want to avoid light and dark pink colors and just want that perfect mid shade. Princess Dark Pink Mix is more of a dull shade with an orange undertone. Persimmon Pink is a bright blend of pink and orange colors. Sky Magenta is an intense color with a mix of both light and dark shades of pink. Raspberry Pink is a vibrant and deep shade, perfect for Pinkie Pie. Finally, Raspberry Pink Mix is a fun pink shade with strong purple undertones.


Aura Princess Pink Mix Long Bob Wig Our Aura style is a Princess Pink Mix long bob cut that reaches a total of 16", making...
Aura Princess Dark Pink Mix Long Bob Wig Our Aura style is a Princess Dark Pink Mix long bob cut that reaches a total of...
Out of stock
Aura Persimmon Pink Long Bob Wig Our Aura style is a Persimmon Pink long bob cut that reaches a total of 16", making it slightly...
Aura - Princess Pink Mix Wig
$32.99 $32.99
Aura - Princess Dark Pink Mix Wig
$32.99 $32.99
Aura - Persimmon Pink Wig