Pink Wigs

Check out our Pink Wigs Color Chart for all of our Pink color variations!

Fusion Vanilla Pink is a very soft and pastel color. Princess Pink Mix is a blend of various shades of pink, perfect if want to avoid light and dark pink colors and just want that perfect mid shade. Princess Dark Pink Mix is more of a dull shade with an orange undertone. Persimmon Pink is a bright blend of pink and orange colors. Sky Magenta is an intense color with a mix of both light and dark shades of pink. Raspberry Pink is a vibrant and deep shade, perfect for Pinkie Pie. Finally, Raspberry Pink Mix is a fun pink shade with strong purple undertones.


Apollo Raspberry Pink Shaggy Wig for Spiking This Raspberry Pink shaggy wig is perfect for cosplaying characters from popular series such as Rick Cosplay from...
Gaia Princess Pink Mix Pigtail Wig Long and flowing pigtails are a classic staple in the cosplay world. Our Gaia style Princess Pink Mix pigtail...
Persephone Princess Pink Mix Long Straight Wig Our Persephone style Princess Pink Mix Long straight wig boasts an impressive total of 40” in length. This...
Apollo Princess Pink Mix Shaggy Wig for Spiking This Princess Pink Mix shaggy wig is perfect for cosplaying characters from popular series such as Rick...
Fusion Vanilla Pink Wavy Lolita Wig Iris is a beautiful 30" long Fusion Vanilla Pink wavy lolita wig perfect for creating a wide variety of...
Hera Long Curly Raspberry Pink Wig Our Hera style is one of our most iconic styles known for its soft, luscious curls and incredible length....
Hestia Princess Pink Mix Curly Wig Our Hestia style is one of our most versatile and fun to wear wigs. This Princess Pink Mix curly...
Hestia Raspberry Pink Curly Wig Our Hestia style is one of our most versatile and fun to wear wigs. This Raspberry Pink curly wig is...
Apollo - Raspberry Pink Wig
$29.99 $29.99
Gaia - Princess Pink Mix Wig
$42.99 $42.99
Persephone - Princess Pink Mix Wig
$47.99 $47.99
Apollo - Princess Pink Mix Wig
$29.99 $29.99
Iris - Fusion Vanilla Pink
$39.99 $42.99
Hera - Raspberry Pink Wig
$45.99 $45.99
Hestia - Princess Pink Mix
$37.99 $37.99
Hestia - Raspberry Pink
$37.99 $37.99