
Daphne Light Brown Wavy Wig The Daphne Light Brown wavy wig is perfect for cosplay, costuming and even for normal wear! It features a large...
Nyx Light Brown Long Straight Wig This wig is a Light Brown long straight wig perfect for cosplay, costuming, and even casual daily wear. As...
Hera Long Curly Light Brown Wig Our Hera style is one of our most iconic styles known for its soft, luscious curls and incredible length....
Eros Multipart Light Brown Long Wig This Eros wig is a multipart long wig that is perfect for use as an alternative to lace front...
Persephone Light Brown Long Straight Wig Our Persephone style Light Brown Long straight wig boasts an impressive total of 40” in length. This style is...
Astraea Light Brown Long Wavy Lace Front Wig Astraea has gentle cascading waves, with just the right amount of bounce and curl to make her...
Scylla Light Brown Lace Front Wig Scylla is a 25 inch long Light Brown lace front wig, measuring from hairline to end. The lace extends...
Nemesis Light Brown Long Lace Front Wig Nemesis is here for all your long, flowing locked characters with that distinctive widow's peak! Measuring from widow's...
Daphne - Light Brown Wig
$45.99 $45.99
Nyx - Light Brown Wig
$41.99 $41.99
Hera - Light Brown Wig
$45.99 $45.99
Eros - Light Brown Wig
$45.99 $45.99
Persephone - Light Brown Wig
$47.99 $47.99
Astraea - Light Brown Wig
$72.99 $72.99
Scylla - Light Brown Wig
$67.99 $67.99
Nemesis - Light Brown Wig
$72.99 $72.99