This is a wide skin top wig that's about 40" long. It's very similiar to our Eros style but longer! The wide skin top measures roughly 5" side to side and 3.5" from the hairline to the back. This long, silky wig weighs about one pound.
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Wig facile à coiffer avec de la quantité. La seul chose est que la wig devient plus rêche après un passage au fer à frisser. Mais sinon rien à redire.
3 years ago
Rolf Wüst
Pow!! Was für eine Länge! Und was für ein Gewicht! Fordernd für ein stundenlang tragen! Aber voll top diese Perücke! Gefällt mir sehr gut! Gegen das Verheddern werde ich sie wohl in diverse Seidenbänder gefasst tragen! Tolles Produkt! Kompliment! Wird eine meiner Favoritinnen sein! Danke
is this wig made from futura fibers too?
Hi, yes that's correct. 100% of our wigs are made out of Futura fibers.
this wig looks like so dense, are you sure it's not way more than 1lb of weight?
Do you have others similar dense/heavy wigs? Futura + large skintop.
Hello, it weighs about 1lb and 5oz.
How long will the lyssa wig be available for Because its limited?
It's in stock now. So you can place the order anytime. Thank you for asking.