Finally, a Wigspiratrions post for My Hero Academia featuring some of our amazing customers! We’re missing a few notable characters, namely Momo, Ida and Todoroki, so if you or know someone who has cosplay photos that can fill in the roster, please send them to tiffany@epiccosplay.com. Thank you!
Now lets get this roOooOolling!

Model: Sadie Honey Cat Cosplay (@sadiehoneycat on Instagram)
Photo: DGN Photography (@dgnphotography on Instagram)

Model: AME Cosplays (@ame.at.your.service on Instagram)
Photo: S1Price Lightworks (@s1price_lightworks on Instagram)

Model: Mahou Maddie Cosplay (@MahouMaddie on Instagram)
Photo: Nick Cafaro Photography

Model: Iwood Cosplay (@lorentz_iwood on Instagram)
Photo: SyncOn Photography (@synconphotography on Instagram)

Model: Steff Von Schweetz (@steffvonschweetz on Instagram)
Photo: York in a Box (@yorkinabox on Instagram)

Model: Gunpla Lady (@gunplaladycosplay on Instagram)
Photo: Square Noodles (@square_noodles on Instagram)

Model: Taytori (@paraphrase on Instagram)
Photo: WeNeals Photography (@weneals_photography on Instagram)

Model: Ashwie Marie (@ashwiemarie on Instagram)
Photo: Unknown. Please email us if you know who the photographer is!

Model: Cat (@Cyberphase on Instagram)

Model: Etna San Cosplay (@etna.san on Instagram)
Photo: Cosplay Overdose (@cosplay_overdose on Instagram)

Model: Miryoku Cosplay (@miryokucosplay on Instagram)
Styled: Umbranwitch Cosplay (@umbranwitch on Instagram)
Photo: Nude Carbon Studios (@nude_carbon_studios on Instagram)

Model: Elizabeth Rage (@elizabethrage on Instagram)
Photo: Gil Riego Photography (@gilphotography on Instagram)